Do you sometimes feel lonely and disconnected?

I’ve been hurt in the past, as most of us have. It’s a pretty common human experience. One I don’t think we talk about enough.

I definitely feel lonely and disconnected sometimes. 

I don’t feel that way all the time but every now and then I’ll have a brush with these feelings. 

The other night I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. My nervous system was activated. I know that because I couldn’t stop thinking. 

After several attempts at calming myself down I asked myself, “OK, what’s really going on here”? I felt like it had something to do with feelings of loneliness that I was experiencing underneath. 

I came up with the perfect antidote to that feeling.

I started going over everyone I know in my head and wished them well. 

At first I thought about my dear ones but then I stopped trying to control who I was thinking about but rather allowed for random people to come to my awareness on their own. People that I’ve had contact with, but weren’t that close. 

It was amusing and sometimes surprising to notice who my mind brought to my awareness. 

At some point I fell asleep. 

I guess it was reassuring for my nervous system to physically notice that I am not as disconnected as I think. 

I’m definitely adding this one to my insomnia tool box!

Feel free to borrow in moments when you’re feeling disconnected or in the middle of the night :)

Odelia Shargian