Feel like you’re going backward? This will help.

Ever feel like you’re moving backwards instead of forward in your healing process?

Sometimes clients get scared that the same issue keeps coming up, and might never go away.

It’s a common experience for those who engage in healing.

It’s important to remember that healing isn’t linear. It’s full of contractions and expansions.

And after every expansion you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a contraction.

When you’re in the midst of a contraction, it’s hard to remember all the progress you’ve made.

It can feel like, “Here we go again. This will never change”.

This happens because your nervous system is doing its faithful job of trying to protect you.

Whenever your nervous system detects an expansion, it doesn’t know if you’re safe yet, so it kicks into protection mode.

The good news is, the more you stay engaged in the process, the more you’ll experience expansions - and your nervous system learns it’s OK..

If you’re in that trajectory, notice this pattern and compare it to the past. You'll see that the time you spend in contraction is shorter.

So what do you do when the discouragement comes up and you feel like you want to give up?

Remember it’s a feeling, not reality.

See the discomfort from the contraction as a sign it’s time to do some more work so you can go into your next expansion.

Notice all the places where there is movement around your struggle, either in the past or in the present.

Notice things that you’re doing differently, the steps you’re taking to help get unstuck, and the fact that you’re getting support.

Save this email for the next time you feel discouraged.

Odelia Shargian