Create the experience of safety

When your nervous system is signaling that you are not safe, you can always chose to create the experience of safety for yourself by finding a way to come home into your body. 

The world can be overwhelming and feel threatening. Sounds, lights, smells, physical contact, and emotional intensity from others can create an experience in which we feel overwhelmed, and on high alert. 

This is our sympathetic nervous system doing exactly what it was designed to do: alert us to, and protect us from, danger.

But what about when there is no threat, but our nervous system is still in a fight, flight or freeze state of excitement? 

One way to regulate is to notice what is true for your body. 

Where is your breath?

Where are your feet?

Can you feel your heartbeat?

Is there a taste in the mouth? A smell in the air?

What do you hear? How far away can you hear sounds?

When you feel your nervous system is overly amped, try any activity that gently brings your attention back to the present bodily experience.

 Let me know how it goes!

Odelia Shargian