How to gain unlimited access to yourself

I talked about how when we allow our body to tell its story we process our wounds on a body level and allow for new pathways in our nervous system to form, leading to new levels of self-acceptance and well-being.

This is the work I have been doing this work with a wonderful group of students in my new online class, Telling Your Body’s Story (TYBS).

So far we’ve had an incredibly rich, rewarding journey. We’ve been moving, speaking, writing, and experiencing the kind of emotional and spiritual growth that a body-based, organic, and intuitive process brings. In a very short period of time, we have generated the kind of authentic and visceral feeling that is necessary for lasting healing and growth. 

What has been particularly inspiring to witness was how members of the group who were new to the process were able to benefit from it in such a short amount of time. They were able to solve a very specific problem they were facing using the wisdom of their bodies within moments. 

With my encouragement, they came to their authentic movement experience with an intention to work with a particular issue that was emotionally loaded and according to what they shared, as soon as they started moving their whole perspective about it changed and some new insights emerged. 

Here’s one participant describing how they shifted from a perspective of fear to one of confidence. 

“I had the feeling that I was walking on a tightrope but feeling very shaky and scared of falling down to the abyss. I felt like danger was lurking and waiting for me to stumble. I felt like the stakes were very high for me and that I was doing my best, that it was up to me to pull up the resources, there was no one to save me on this tightrope. It’s me and the tightrope. I’m just going to have to traverse across this. I felt very shaky and all of a sudden I was like: wait a minute. I don’t have to walk across this. I can just stand where I am and find my footing and so I felt guided to back off the tightrope and ground myself. Breathing and grounding I was able to feel more held by the earth and that I don’t have to do this alone”. 

What a powerful reminder for the vast intelligence that lies in the body!

For a limited time, I’ve opened enrollment in the group again for a few of the right people to join us. You can find the details and apply HERE.

Let Your Body Voice Its Feelings, Patterns, and Needs

Authentic movement is one of the principal tools we will use to listen to our bodies. It is a practice of moving without agenda, letting the body reveal what it is holding. It is a transformational and powerful way to let our body voice its feelings, patterns, and needs.

We are amazing creatures. We adapt and survive to what the world throws at us, and have since we were born. Some of those adaptations require holding in emotion, controlling ourselves, being “strong” or “brave.” 

We are told to repress our sexuality, fear, anger, grief. But where do those feelings go? They are stored in our body, in the actual muscle, tissue, organ, and bone. We build defense systems to continue holding them in. We make them stronger and stronger until we have created a cage for our authentic being. 

Authentic movement unlocks that cage and slowly allows us access to our deeper selves, emotions, and allows us to begin the process of really seeing ourselves, the first step towards true healing. It relieves deep levels of long-held tension, stiffness, pain, and limitation. 

It allows us to express things we cannot even name. It opens us up to catharsis, expression, openness, and acceptance. It disrupts the cycle of holding on to our past hurts, allowing us flow, forgiveness, and self-care.

Who is Telling Your Body’s Story For?

This program is by application only. My goal is to find the right people to join our inclusive, compassionate, soulful group of women interested in personal growth, group support, and exploration of the relationship between mind and body.

If you are ready to prioritize your self-care and have community support, then I’d like to invite you to apply to be a part of TYBS so you can create a noticeable change in your life, healing, development, and growth.

Odelia Shargian