I’ve got some personal news for you!
I just finished my core training in the Somatica® Method!
This is a pleasure-based s3x and relationship coaching method.
Did I get your attention?
If you’re a human today, you’re probably dealing with these critical topics in your own life, and I know they can be tough to talk about.
I’m out to help you change that. I’m here to help you find strength, joy and healing in your relationships.
Here’s a little bit more about the training I’ve just completed, straight from the Somatica® website:
“Somatica combines talk-based coaching with experiential practices to help clients expand their skills and beliefs around intimacy.
It takes more than traditional talk-based therapy to unlearn the sexual or relational patterns we’ve picked up throughout our lives.
To incite lasting change, you have to identify and shift habitual behaviors.
The Somatica Method facilitates this through an experiential, embodied process, which is more effective than simply using cognitive learning techniques”.
Sex and love are so much more than what we see in the movies or what’s displayed by society.
This method aligns beautifully with my belief in processing things through the body rather than just talking about them!
I can’t wait to combine my Somatic trauma healing skills with my newfound interest in love.
You deserve the love you desire.
I’ll be sharing more about how to have good sex and relationships.
If you learn about something you’d like to work on, or you’re ready for your love life to get even better, send me an email @odelia@embodiedacceptance.com