My big reveal

When I was 13 I experienced the onset of an eating disorder that has greatly affected my life and continues to affect it to this day. As much as I thought that I had it under control, it has only been recently that I realized how much of my behavior around food and my body is still skewed by my early struggle.

In an attempt to reach full recovery, I've made a principled decision that I'm not going to restrict my eating or intentionally try to play with my weight anymore and this has forced me to deal with my feelings about a body that is very different from what I've been trained to want and like. All of this has taken me on a ride to educate and support myself on how to eat more intuitively and how to accept my current shape.

To my surprise, I found that I'm not alone in this struggle and that there's a whole community of people who are dedicated to thinking, researching and advocating around these issues. ThIs social movement of Body Liberation is totally radical, in the most positive sense of the word.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that my journey has unfolded in such a way that I am able to offer Shake Your Soul® as a place of radical acceptance for Every Body to experience compassionate and joyful movement for the sake of simply feeling good in our bodies. Whether you struggle with body image issues or not, you're welcome to join me and my beautiful community by clicking here:

If you feel like you are struggling in a similar way and want to share anything about your personal journey, please feel free to make a comment below or write to me personally. I’d love to hear your thoughts, feelings and comments.

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Odelia Shargian