Overthinking right now?

When clients come to me they often bring a problem with them that they need to do something about YESTERDAY! 

It’s like they have been carrying this issue for the longest time and they’re starting to sense that this is fixable. Maybe they’re seeing that there’s support and healing is possible.

Once that happens,  they want immediate relief. 

So during their session, they discuss every detail with the hope that they can figure it out intellectually.

In my experience that seldom works. 

Some reasons you might be overthinking it:

  • It’s simply a habit - that’s what you’re used to doing 

  • You don’t know/remember that there’s an alternative, which is embodied awareness = sensing and feeling

  • You don’t trust your feelings or your intuition

  • Nothing in your upbringing or in our society encourages you to explore your felt sense. 

  • Your external circumstances/living conditions make it feel unsafe to come in contact with your felt sense 

  • You don’t have the external resources to support you in exploring your sensations and feelings. It’s a hard thing to do on your own. Most of us need someone to actively tell us it’s ok to do that. 

  • You don’t have the internal capacity to support exploring your sensations and feelings, which is something you can build over time once you have more external support.

  • You’re afraid to go through the discomfort that comes with fully feeling your sensations, feelings and emotions, despite the tremendous relief that often comes with it 

  • When you don’t have enough experiences of coming through to the other side of fully feeling and feeling ok you don’t know that you will be ok. 

We often try to think our way through our problems when we don’t trust our feelings, when there’s no room for us to experience them, or when we’re afraid to come in contact with the discomfort that we think those feelings will bring. 

My job is to help people see:

A. There's no urgency.

B. There’s a different way to resolve their issue that actually works!

Urgency isn’t conducive to the kind of deep bodymind healing that I offer in Somatic Therapy. We need to find a way to contradict the urgency so we can create the space to sense and feel. 

No solution can be as effective as a solution that comes from embodied awareness. The answer will emerge as a result of feeling the experience in the body. 

And even if the answer isn’t clear right away, something in the body/mind shifts and implies there's a deeper place of knowing which will emerge organically when the time comes to respond outside of the therapy space. 

Sometimes the response is actually doing nothing externally but rather, causing an internal body/mindset shift.

Odelia Shargian