What does that peach have that I don’t have?

Question: What does that peach have that I don’t have?

The answer: juiciness. What does that mean? Juicy is a word I often use to describe the feeling of flow, fullness, and inner deliciousness that I sometimes have after moving (and at other times in my life!). It is a combination of metaphorical and biological.

The metaphorical feeling is that I’m bursting with my own sweetness. My insides are feeling so good, I feel delicious. I feel kissed by nature, grounded in purpose, and I am in flow. My insecurity takes a back seat, and I feel how valuable I am, just sitting there. Think about how we feel about that peach on the counter, bursting with juicy flavor, looking delicious just sitting there. I want to feel like that peach!

The biological is less poetic but quite beautiful. We are made of approximately 60% water. The structure of our cells (even bone cells!) is fluid-based. We have all different types of fluid in the body: blood, cerebrospinal fluid that bathes our spinal cord, synovial fluid that juices our joints, intracellular fluid that makes up cells, and more.

Between the metaphorical and the biological, I found a practice that gets me juicy in every way. I call it “Joyful Movement.” It is a one-hour movement class where you follow along very simple movements that soften the muscles, warm the body, and get the joints moving freely and easily. But more than that, it feels good. It generates not only blood flow, but mind flow, and body flow.

No matter how tight and bottled up I feel going into a class, I ALWAYS feel softer, more open, and happier when I am in it, and more grounded, centered, and, yes, juicy, when I finish.

Interested? Join me every week for a soulful, joyful, playful movement class and get your juices flowing! For September, your first class with me is FREE. You can share the offer with friends or family, come with a buddy or your mom!

Odelia Shargian