When my son fixed my psyche

I was sitting at my computer, totally frustrated. Nothing would load, everything was so slow. I checked the connections, the router, and all the usual suspects. Nothing worked. My teenage son passed by, heard me sigh, took a look over my shoulder and said,

“Mom! Your computer is not working because you have nine programs running at the same time, none of which you need open. You have to close them when you don’t need them.”

He was right, but he was right about much more than my computer.

I realized that is what I do with body shame. It is a program that runs in my head all the time, leeching the creativity, joy, inspiration, pleasure, and progress in my life. 

I suddenly remembered being in dance classes and feeling lost. I didn’t know the combination. I didn’t know the combination because in addition to trying to learn it, I’d been looking at my thighs in the mirror, noticing the way my belly felt under my shirt, comparing my body to the person across the room. 

What a lot of energy!

How much of my life have I spent energy on shame when I could have been creating, delighting, engaging, and relating?

Body shame is a program, one devised to control our behavior through fat-phobia, misogyny and the ensuing diet culture. It’s always in the background, draining our energy. 

That is why I created “Healing the Whole,” (formerly Embodied Acceptance) a five-week workshop designed to systematically de-program the five facets of fragmentation that keep us from feeling whole.

In my next few emails, I‘ll talk about these five facets of shame and recovery, and give you an invitation to join this powerful workshop.

If you want a sneak peek, or feel ready to join, HERE is the information!

How does body shame affect your day-to-day life? Hit REPLY and share with me; I’d love to hear from you.

Odelia Shargian