Where’s MY Back-to-school excitement?

No matter how many years have passed since I was in school, September always brings with it that feeling of new beginnings. I may not be going out to shop for my own school supplies (though I still get excited to pick my son’s binder), but I still get that feeling of “I wonder what’s going to happen? I wonder how things will feel/change/develop…”

Unlike New Year’s eve, and its attendant resolutions to change/do better/accomplish more, September, and the Jewish new year, which tends to coincide with the beginning of the school year, seem to have a more innocent excitement for me. Who will I meet? What will I learn? How might I grow? It comes with a sense of the unknown, but the unknown feels hopeful, not stressful.

By October I sometimes have a sense of disappointment that nothing really changed. There was no first day of school. Things seem basically the same as they were in April, May, June… I started to wonder if I might ride that body memory of September beginnings but transform it to my actual adult life.

Maybe I can buy a new book, take a class, or start a project I’ve been wanting to begin. Maybe I make a commitment for more self-care, time with friends, or pick up an instrument I’d put down.

What might September offer you? Without making shame-based resolutions, what exciting learning or growing might feel delicious? For myself, I am planning to enjoy the fruits of the hard labor I put into launching my new brand , get back into studying Body-Mind Centering, and dive deep into finishing my Intuitive Eating certification.

As an invitation towards trying new things and seeing what makes you feel juicy, curious, and expressive, I am offering a free class in Joyful Movement. Your first class, any class in September, is on me. You can even come with your friends, and their first class is free too!

Joyful Movement is a one hour ONLINE movement class for every body. Every body means every shape, size, experience, ability, age, and confidence level. That means that, just as you might have come to fourth grade, you can come nervous or you can come bursting with excitement.

If you’d like to experience moving your body with pleasure, without judgement, with sensual delight, in the presence of other women doing the same thing, Joyful Movement might be your September discovery. It is a playful, fluid, movement class, a mix of both following simple body movements, and doing teacher-led improvisations.

SO, this September… go pick some apples, or pick up your guitar, or pick up your FREE class with me, but whatever you choose to do, consider riding the wave of back to school excitement and try something new!

Joyful Movement is starting on September 13th. To redeem your free class enter coupon code SEPT-FREE when you register for class HERE.

And, if you’re celebrating the new year tonight and in the coming days, may this year be filled with sweetness, love, happiness, health and everything else that you wish for yourself and your loved ones. Shana Tova!

Odelia Shargian