You’re a miracle. Really.

I want to share with you a somatic practice that I incorporate into my own life because I find it so useful.

Especially when I’m struggling with feelings of shame, which I do often, believe it or not.

Take a moment to think about a part of YOU that feels easy to love. If you’re struggling to find it, consider borrowing someone else’s love for you.

Perhaps a friend, a family member, or someone who sees you for the beautiful person you are, without judgment.

Maybe it’s not a person at all—maybe it’s an animal, nature, or a sacred entity that reflects love in a way that resonates with you.

If love feels like too strong of a word, try liking. Just liking a part of yourself can be a powerful shift.

Focus on a part of yourself that isn’t dependent on performance, but is simply part of your essence.

This is the part of you that’s lovable no matter what. It could be your kindness, your bravery, your wisdom, your sensitivity, your curiosity, or even your creativity.

If you find it hard to pinpoint something specific to love, remember the miracle of your existence.

The very fact that you are here—living, breathing, evolving—is an awe-inspiring miracle. Think about how many things had to fall into place for you to be here right now.

YOU are a miracle. 💫

Now, let’s take it a step further: Where does your true essence live in your body?

It could be in one specific area, or it could be a feeling that flows through your entire being. Take a deep breath and invite this part of yourself into your awareness.

What does it feel like? Tingly, warm, spacious?

Feel the sensations as fully as possible, and allow yourself to experience the pleasure that comes with it.

It’s natural that other parts of you might start to argue, trying to protect you from fully feeling your essence.

These protective parts are doing important work! But for now, see if you can gently ask them to rest, just for a little while, so you can attend to your essence of love.

If they’re not willing to rest, they might need to experience unconditional love as well. See if you can find it in yourself to make them feel seen, accepted, and even adorable. 💖

Odelia Shargian