You’re not a mess. Here’s how I know …

I chose to be helpful to others and share my gifts as a healer but what do I do on those days when I feel like a mess? Like I have nothing to give? 

Let me tell you a secret, it happens from time to time. I actually felt it today, after a sleepless night full of dread and worry. 

It takes a fair amount of settling into my body and toning my nervous system to remember that no matter how crummy I feel I’m always able to be more helpful to others than I think. 

I mean, that’s what I’m here to do.

I can trust the part of me that shows up when I need to be there for others just like it shows up when I need to be there for myself.

That part isn’t necessarily about doing something out of the ordinary, but rather it's about being and doing what I need to happen so I can honor my gifts and talents.

I couldn’t ask for a greater gift than the capacity to be and make others feel comfortable in their own skin.

BTW, this was written before I got to meet with my clients for the day and teach my classes. 

This is a follow up:

Guess what happened? 

I showed up. Big time. 

I suspect this is true for a lot of us. Our capacity to perform in something that we care about tends to be much greater than the way we experience ourselves sometimes. 

In other words: you’re never the mess you think you are 🙂. Promise.

Odelia Shargian