Body Story Workshop

In person or Online


Available upon request.

Email Here for more information or to bring this workshop to your space.

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Your body has a story to tell. Every day, your body collects information from each moment of life, storing both delicious and painful memories. Your body’s story affects every choice you make: what you are drawn to, what you avoid, and how you relate with others and yourself. Listening to your body’s story through movement is a path to healing, increased well-being, and body acceptance. 

The Body Story Workshop is a 90-minute, HAES®-aligned, online workshop. It’s an introduction to the technique of authentic movement, and body listening. During this introductory session, we will learn to focus the mind on the truths of the body, and shed light on hidden feelings about our body image. We will practice moving without judgment, unearthing the body’s deep wisdom, and releasing beliefs about your body  that no longer serve you.

This is an invitation to feel, think, speak, write and move with me through a series of prompts and questions about your life inside your body, a gentle invitation to consider your relationship to your body image, body sensation, and bodily intuition.

No movement experience is necessary to participate. 


This is for you if…

  • You suffer from body shame but you feel like telling yourself that you should like your body doesn't really work.

  • You tried working on accepting your body through affirmations, thought-substitution and other cognitive/behavioral methods but you'd like to try a more holistic approach that engages your body as well as your mind.

  • You are curious about joining a group of mindful women, engaged in supportive self-care and self-expression, but would like to know more.

  • You want a quick taste of what Somatic Movement (mind-body awareness) is all about.

  • You have an interest in a longer Embodied Acceptance workshop but would like to sample the type of work we do.

  • You want to take a moment for yourself in a safe, supportive environment to slow down, ground yourself, and take the time to connect to your own needs and desires.

  • You want to get more in tune with your interoceptive awareness (your body’s physical cues) towards a more intuitive way of living.

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About me

My journey into body acceptance started when I was thirteen and experienced the onset of an eating disorder. I’ve tried to change my body my whole life. As a dancer/mover, my concentration on body image has taken up so many hours I wish I could get back. Recently, with the support of the body liberation community, I’ve realized that I’ve just had enough! The more I learned about body liberation, the more I understand how widespread the struggle to love and accept our bodies is, especially for women. My decision to not engage in body-shrinking behaviors has resulted in changes to my body that have forced me to find new strategies to accept myself. My lifetime of working in movement, coaching, and counseling has offered me a road map to healing myself, and others. My training has included Yoga, Shake Your Soul®, Soma Soul®, Authentic Movement, Body Mind Centering®, Laban Movement Analysis, Viewpoints technique, and Bartenieff Fundamentals, among other practices. I’ve combined my love of movement with my deep-seated belief in the healing power of music, dance and movement. This offering is a labor of love and a gift to you that I would love to extend which comes from my years of practicing inviting change and transformation through listening and following the biggest healing expert and teacher of all: our own body.
