5 Steps to deal with overwhelm

Different emotional states are similar to overwhelm: feeling stressed, under pressure, anxious, extremely worried etc., but nothing quite amounts to the feeling of overwhelm.

You know what I’m talking about, right? You’re there but you’re not really there. You’re going on automatic-pilot. 

Overwhelm is like when your device gets stuck. There’s nothing to do but to shut it down so it can eventually reboot. 

There’s no use for all the bubble baths, essential oils, massages or even meditation in the world. Any of the otherwise effective self-care hacks won’t do at this point. The only thing to do is stop. 

But how? 

Here’s how you do it: 

1. Set a timer for 5 minutes 

2. Sit comfortably or lie on the floor. 

3. Start with watching your breath for 10 counts

4. Once you feel like you’ve been able to settle, stop watching the breath and DO NOTHING. Not even watch the breath!

5. Every time your mind wants to do something gently remind it that its job right now is to rest. 

Your mind might want to do something, anything. Gently remind it that it’s on break now and that it’s only job is to wander off.

So simple, right? But it will surprise you how useful this is, too.

Remember to use these steps when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Odelia Shargian