This is how I roll

Do you think you could explain how you walk? I mean, you "know" how you walk but, really. HOW on earth do you WALK? What happens in the brain, the feet, the central nervous system?

Sometimes that's how I feel when I try to explain what Somatic Therapy is. I do it all day, every day, but explaining it can be a bit tricky.

But here's my best shot ...

Chances are, you know what therapy is, but the word “somatic” might be new.

Somatic means “relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind”.

This is indicative of our culture, which likes to separate the body from the mind. We even do it when we're looking to heal:

Someone with mental/emotional challenges see a therapist.

Someone with physical symptoms sees a medical doctor.

But what if there’s a way to include both the body AND the mind in the healing process?

I include the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual when it comes to your healing, because I see all of you as one unit.

I help you address your physical symptoms by looking at the underlying mental and emotional issues.

And sometimes I'll address your mental issues by inviting the body into the healing process, too. You're not compartmentalized. Your healing process shouldn't be compartmentalized, either.

All of you got hurt; it will take all of you to help you heal.

Most people don't know this, but our bodies record our traumas (bit or small, doesn't matter).

So trying to heal trauma without including the body can be futile. And I don't want that for you. That's why I'm a Somatic Therapist.

I teach you to sense and feel, so your trauma is actually released from the body.

It's incredibly powerful and effective, and I love what I do. So that's how I "walk" - I hope it was helpful.

Odelia Shargian