5 Ways to Calm Your Nervous System

When our nervous system is too taxed, we can enter adrenal fatigue, and this can cause some major health problems, even autoimmune diseases. Unloading the nervous system through self-care is one of the best ways to improve your health.

Here are 5 ways I calm my own nervous system:

1. Box Breathing - (4 seconds in. Hold for 4. 4 seconds out. Hold for 4)

2. Humming - Lips open or close, vibrate on “ah” for full breaths. It engages the parasympathetic nervous system (“rest and digest”).

3. Movement! - Any movement stimulates dopamine and serotonin making you happier, calmer, and more grounded.

4. Fresh Air and Sunlight - Vitamin D supports your nervous system and mood! Green plants calm our nervous system.

5. Saying “NO” - Avoid overload and over-commitment and focus on self-care.

May I suggest you start with the body, the storage facility for our lived experiences. Unpack the stored material by allowing your body to move, shed, speak, request, even demand. And do the work, the challenging work to really listen.

Ask yourself: If I stay quiet for a minute right now and listen to my body, what do I hear?

If you'd like to know more about how to use movement to regulate your nervous system feel free to reach out.

Odelia Shargian