Do you have butterflies in your belly?

“I had a gut feeling.”
“I have cold feet.”
“I need to get something off my chest.”

There's a reason the body always surfaces when we are trying to communicate that something big is happening. The reason is: it all happens in the body. There’s no thought, feeling, or experience that doesn’t start and end in the body. The brain, of course, is the body.

The body collects information from every moment of our life. It stores memories both delicious and painful. It affects every choice we make: what we are drawn to, what we avoid, where we linger… It constructs our relationships with loved ones, decides what our habits are, and urges us away from certain choices.

But how often are we truly listening to our body’s story?

How often does that story make decisions for us, whether it is how we respond to a threat, or how we react to failure?

What would it mean to let our body speak?

How can we learn to listen, instead of command, direct, and determine?

The answer is both stillness and movement. It is making space. It is feeling instead of thinking, intuiting with the body. And it has to be entered into through a safe space with an atmosphere of curiosity, kindness, and non-judgment.

This is what I have created with “Body Story Community. It is a space to let your body do the talking, and have your mind take the back seat. It is a chance to shed shame, grief, trauma, and fear. It is a place to get curious, be playful, and find spontaneity. It is a way to access your truer self, pull the curtains open on things that have been tucked away.

Body Story Community is an ongoing group where we meet twice a month to move, talk, share, draw, write and discuss the stories that arise when we let our bodies do the talking.

I am running an Introductory two-hour workshop to give you a taste of what this means, allowing you to dip your toes in the water of body stories. In this Intro, we dive into one particular area of our body story: our relationship to body image, body shame, and our history inside a fat-phobic, image-obsessed culture. While Body Story Community leaves each session more open to what is going on for you personally on a given day, our Intro course gives you a topic to bite into and allows you to feel your way into the work as you process a topic that affects us all.

Body Story Intro Workshop
Sunday, October 3
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern Time

For more information and to enroll, visit us here:

Odelia Shargian