The cost of doing nothing

We’ve all been there. The “thing” we have to do feels overwhelming. For some of us, it’s booking the dental cleaning. For others, it’s opening that scary-looking envelope from the IRS. Whatever the “thing,” and whether it’s physical, social, emotional, or bureaucratic, I know we all experienced avoidance.

And so we also know what’s next: it never works. We get a cavity, we get a fine, the small problem turns into a big problem. We experience regret, shame, and the feelings about not having done “the thing” that cause us anxiety, stress, and so many more problems than our first problem.

Avoiding things that seem scary, distressing, exhausting, or overwhelming is the most natural of human instincts, and yet it never works for our thriving. It is the opposite of acceptance, and acceptance is always the first step towards change.

One thing I avoided for a long time was feeling my feelings, particularly my feelings about my body. I would do, do, do (often for others), create, make, and basically over-function, but not take the stillness, or the space, to just be. I avoided my body shame, for it often felt consuming.

Turns out, my feelings about my body did not kill me. They did not take me away from my productivity or my caring for others. In fact, moving through my fear into my feelings opened up a whole world of possibility.

The cost of doing nothing about our dental visit is clear. But… what is the cost of avoiding our feelings about our body?

The cost is that the body eventually rebels. We cannot ignore our feelings or our bodies, or the body will make its needs known through illness, injury, mental breakdown, and other exhausting outcomes.

This is why I do what I do: offer women a space to safely, comfortably, personally, meet themselves.

I have created an Introductory Workshop to my program Body Story Community. In this workshop, you can dip your toes in the water of exploring your feelings about your body, opening up the door to a deeper, richer relationship with yourself, and a holistic way of moving through your life.

It is an invitation to feel, think, speak, write and move with me through a series of prompts and questions about your life inside your body. a gentle invitation to consider your relationship to your body image, body sensation, and bodily intuition.

Body Story Intro Workshop
Sunday, October 3
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern Time

For more information about what happens in this two-hour class, check our workshop “Body Story Community: Introductory Workshop” HERE.

Odelia Shargian