It sometimes happens that a young Jewish girl feels safe…

Today, I took a meditative walk, embracing the simple joys – the gentle breeze, the sound of the wind, and the scent of fall in the air.

But beneath the surface, there's a tension, a constant ache in the left side of my back. I've been navigating turbulent emotional waters, stemming from deep-seated feelings of abandonment. Sometimes, it feels like I'm on the verge of losing myself.

It’s the absence of an inner haven I call "Self-In-Presence." It's the part that usually holds all our experiences together, but it’s checked out recently.

That nagging spot in my back? In Somatic Parts work, we'd call it the "Protector." It kicks in when it believes the younger self, "The Small One," isn't getting the care it needs, and Self-In-Presence is nowhere to be found.

I had a heart-to-heart with my Protector. I acknowledged its presence, and told it I understood why it was there. The younger part never quite trusted that someone would tend to her needs, so this protector stood vigilant. It's hard for it to let go, even when I tell it we’re safe.

When I truly embraced its perspective, things changed.

I asked, "Could you imagine another Jewish girl, not you, somewhere in this vast universe, feeling entirely supported even for just a moment? How would that feel in your body?"

The answer was profound. My body yearned for the sensation of being cradled, just as a baby is held, one hand supporting my neck, the other behind my back.

I embodied the feeling, delving deeper than visualization – it's somatizing, experiencing it in my cells, in my body. It's a form of embodiment.

This reassurance of "I've got your back" left an indelible mark. Babies don’t need words, they need to sense an adult's presence. And that presence, that holding, is what Self-In-Presence offers.

I've called it to the vital work of self-parenting, a crucial part of the healing process. I've recommitted to the Small One and the Protector because I understand there's no one else but me who can do this work. And I’ll show up consistently.

I can't promise there won't be stumbles along the way, but expressing my intentions matters to my inner parts.

If you’d like to learn more about your own “Parts” click HERE and we can hop on a zoom call and I’ll answer all your questions about Somatic Therapy.

Odelia Shargian