Move with greater ease by letting your breath lead the way

Accomplished athletes, performers, musicians, gardeners, chefs, anyone using their body to create, perform, or express, use their breath as a guiding force.

We have cues for this kind of breathwork in yoga, Pilates, swimming, martial arts … and of course, Somatic practices.

When we move from breath, our muscles and bones naturally move in the most efficient ways. 

Professional athletes and top-performers know this, and they use it well.

But you don’t have to be a professional athlete to understand how this works. We can walk from breath, exercise from breath, even gesture from breath.

But what does that mean? Let me explain …

Start by inhaling and moving. Then exhale as you step into the next movement. 

Exhaling works well when you contract, like a sit up, exhaling on the contraction, and inhaling feels better when you’re expanding. 

You’ll get a feel for when your body wants to inhale and when to exhale. 

Let your body tell you what it likes best!

Connecting your breath to your movement creates intuition, space, awareness, efficiency, and (quite literally) inspiration. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

Odelia Shargian