My new Health At Every Size® offerings

This is a very exciting time for me: the time is nearing to launch my new Embodied Acceptance brand and I’d like to take a moment to tell you what this will mean to you.

On September 2nd I’ll be launching my new website and my social media platforms will also change their names on that date.

As you will see, the classes and workshops that you’re familiar with are all going to be there but some of them will have different names.

Joyful Movement (Shake Your Soul®) is starting again on September 13th.

So here’s what’s going to be on the menu:

*Healing the Whole:
Movement to Heal Body Shame
A 5-week workshop
A 5 week HAES®-aligned movement/meditation/writing/discussion experience working towards acceptance of the whole self: body, mind and soul, healing body shame, and generating self-worth.
*formerly known as Embodied Acceptance Workshop

Joyful Movement for Every Body:
A Shake Your Soul® experience
A weekly HAES®-aligned movement class for every body, offering dynamic, sensual, fluid movement to fun world music. No experience necessary!
*Hybrid remote/in-person class will be offered on each last Monday of the month. If you live around my studio in Tenafly, NJ you can choose to participate in person simultaneously with the online participants

Body Story (Introductory Workshop)
Understanding our Body’s Journey through Movement
A one-day workshop introducing new students to our ongoing community. In this class we learn to listen to the stories our body has to share around our relationship with our body. HAES®-aligned.

*Body Story Community:
Learning to Listen to Yourself through Movement
A mindful HAES®-aligned ongoing group engaged in bi-monthly movement and self-expression classes, as well as opportunities for private movement therapy sessions. By APPLICATION ONLY.
*formerly known as Telling Your Body’s Story

Somatic Movement Therapy:
Private Counseling for Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional Well-being
One-on-one private therapy using body-based methods to heal from past trauma and body shame, and develop a more connected mind-body relationship.

You’ll be able to find all of the additional information about these offerings including pricing and dates on the website starting September 2nd.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Odelia Shargian