Need more time in your life? I have a special tip for you.

When we discuss superpowers, my kids love to talk about super speed, teleportation, invisibility, and extra strength.

But the other day, my youngest said, “I’d choose to affect time.”

“Oh,” I said, “I can teach you how to do that…”

Now, I can't teach him how to time travel or anything, but I’ve learned from personal experience that attention can change how we perceive time.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” and this is even deeper than that. I like to say, “time slows down when you pay attention.”

Which is so powerful, especially when we feel like we don’t have “enough” time.

It really is true. Whenever you want to change how you experience your life, shift your focus and watch what happens. Want to try it now? This is so cool …

Try this:

Take 10 minutes to walk the equivalent of a city block (1/20 of a mile here where I live). No headphones, music, or talking. No company, pets, or socializing. Definitely no screens. Just walk, very slowly, and see what your experience of time is.

You can set an alarm to keep track of the 10 minutes.

Did that feel like 10 minutes? Did if feel faster? Slower? What did you see? What did you hear? What new things did you experience?

I’d love to hear how that felt! Send a reply to

Odelia Shargian