Resolve to stop shaming ourselves

New Year’s Resolutions, friend or foe?

Created without love, they can be a road map to shame, the exact opposite of everything I am working towards. Done well, they can be reminders of where we want to grow and shift, and help us create actions towards our highest self.

It’s important to remember that there's nothing fundamentally wrong or broken with us and so there's nothing to fix. If anything, we could use bringing more self-compassion and love into everything we do. Even a NY Resolution of “Do more self care” can end up in a shame spiral.

So how can we create resolutions that are made with love?

First, how about expressing gratitude to ourselves for getting through this year of incredible global struggle? Whether you learned to make sourdough, or simply made it through 365 days, you deserve a MAJOR pat on the back.

Second, let’s take stock of what DID shift this year. Did you pick up a habit you like? Did you help a friend? Did you learn a new thing? Did you say goodbye to something toxic? Again, simply surviving deserves celebration!

I have spent the year studying Body Liberation and getting certified as an Intuitive Eating counselor. I’ve been doing profound work on myself to repattern my false thinking about worth, value, and acceptance. While I have done a lot of reading and studying, I have done some of my most important work through movement.

Even though I have not always wanted to do it, I have been trying my best to bring myself into the studio (sometimes into the living room) to move through my feelings about body acceptance. Over time, and commitment to showing up for myself, I have noticed changes in my behavior, my expectations for myself, and my actions of kindness towards my body.

As for resolutions, here’s what I plan to do. Rather than thinking about what I want to change, I am going to think about what I would like to pick up or let go of.

I want to pick up more compassion for myself.
I want to pick up more connection to my friends, and shared time with loved ones.
I want to pick up more connectivity with the Body Acceptance community and be able to share my ideas more broadly, creating relationships and serving people in ways that feel meaningful.

I want to let go of judgment. 
I want to let go of the weight of my grief. 
I want to let go of self-doubt.

And, since this is my first email for 2022 l, my wish to you is that your new year becomes filled with radical self-love and acceptance and may you have whatever else you wish for in the coming year and beyond.

Hoping to see you in the virtual studio this week, or else, see you in 2022 with a LOT of incredible services and offerings to share with you!

Odelia Shargian