Detox from detoxing

The new calendar year brings a lot with it. Whether or not we ascribe to resolutions, there is a bombardment from the media about fresh starts.

Most of them are steeped in shaming us about our weight, age, physical ability, work ethos, and habits.

Very few of them speak to your exhaustion, apathy, or overwhelm.

So I decided to create a New Year’s detox that is about detoxing from the detoxes.

I will NOT be telling you to give up gluten or sugar.

I will NOT be reprimanding you for your habits.

I will NOT be advising you to add 10 push-ups a day to your routine.

What I WILL be doing is sharing ways to tune out the noise of diet culture and tune in to your own needs, desires, and experiences.

It is a FREE five-day detox from your own body shame. It is meant to cleanse your system from the overwhelming pressure to hate yourself based on how you look.

This 5-day experience is 100% free, a New Year’s gift to this beautiful community of warriors facing off against the violent pressure from our world to “fit in.” I will be inviting experts from throughout the Body Liberation and Intuitive Eating Communities, and facilitating an experience for them (and you) to do, live, as well as getting their unique take on these profound issues we face.

The 5-Day Body Shame Detox will take 15 minutes a day, either with me live online, or later by recording.

I’ll email you each morning with what you need to participate.

We start Wednesday, January 19th!

I hope to see you in this compassionate, loving, determined space to join me in saying NO to shame.

Click HERE to register for the free 5-Day Body Shame Detox.

Odelia Shargian