Spoiler: it was life-altering

You’ve heard a lot from me lately about listening to your body’s story as a path to healing, increased well-being, and body acceptance.

Today, you’ll hear from a client (I’ll call her Darla) who has worked with me to connect with her body story as she shares what she has gained from this experience.

Before I share that with you, I want to remind you that enrollment for the Body Story Intro Workshop (taking place this Sunday) closes tomorrow (Thursday) at 8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific.

Now, let’s hear what Darla had to share about her healing journey.

Odelia: Has your participation in the Body Story Community shifted your thinking, or way of being in the world?

Darla: Yes! Since I've been participating in the Body Story Community, I've become more keenly aware of my body and have found a new level of respect and even reverence for what my body can do. I've noticed that my self-esteem and self-image have improved dramatically. I am much more accepting of my body and how it looks/feels. And, I've noticed that my inner critical voice about my size and shape has quieted down a LOT!

Odelia: What has surprised you about doing this work?

Darla: I can use movement to connect to parts of myself that have been far away from my conscious memory. Prior to this, I mostly relied on talking to explore topics that were causing me difficulty in life. Now I can access memories and feelings, both positive and challenging, via movement.

I am strong, powerful, and beautiful!

My body knows what it needs and it is able to let me know if I take the time to pay attention to it.

The growth I've experienced doesn't need to come in big "aha moments". The learning can be very subtle and gentle, yet powerful.

Odelia: What do you notice about your experience after, versus before, a Somatic Movement Therapy session?

Darla: When I engage in a Somatic Movement Therapy session, I usually come into it with some level of anxiety or worry about what I want to address or accomplish. Basically, I am "in my head" rather than "in my body" when the session begins. But after each session, I have noticed that, as long as I trust the process and allow myself to follow Odelia's gentle suggestions and guidance, I experience a deep sense of peacefulness and release. I often feel tired after a session, but in a "good" way -- not exhausted but rather satisfied that I accomplished something that was needed.

Odelia: What does the Community aspect of the Body Story Community do for you?

Darla: Being a part of a small group of courageous women has been very uplifting! I am learning to let down my defenses and quiet that judgmental voice in my head that compares myself to others.

I’d like to invite you to join us this Sunday for an intro workshop that gives you a taste of the work we do in the Body Story Community.

Get the details and sign up here: https://embodiedacceptance.com/body-story-workshop

Enrollment closes tomorrow (Thursday) at 8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific.

The group only opens once a month, so come to our Intro Workshop if you are curious!

Odelia Shargian