Tapping into your intuition

Greetings from Tel-Aviv!

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you that I got a clear message from my higher self about my next practical steps in fulfilling my purpose, following a therapy session where I got some guidance from my little cousin Johnny to follow my curiosity and my joy.

The message that I got was to go ahead and put my full weight behind an idea that I had several months ago which I never acted upon: to change the focus of my work to become HAES® (Health At Every Size) aligned, to become more body inclusive in general and to invite those who want to improve their relationship with their bodies through movement and embodied healing practices to join my community (more about HAES® later).

To that end, I decided to rebrand my business. It will no longer be called Movement Bliss starting in September but rather “Embodied Acceptance - Compassionate Movement for Body Love”. I want to tell you more about why I’m taking this step and what it offers you.

But first I want to reassure you that even if you’re not experiencing any issues around body image you still belong here.

Essentially all of my current offerings are staying the same with some name changes, refocused messaging, and a couple of new offerings. You will hear more about the details as we get closer to launching my new brand.

So back to why the rebrand: I believe that if you have an impulse to do something that you’re meant to do, you will keep getting the same message until you finally hear it and do something about it. I think I have ignored too many impulses in my life and my gravitation towards somatic practices is my way of trying to learn how to become more intuitive and be open to the messages that I’m getting from my body and my psyche.

I believe that all the work that I’ve done listening to my whole self through different somatic practices is what has led me to the decision to focus on this last bit of healing that I need to do around accepting my whole self by letting go of body fixation and dieting. This has led me back, full circle to Intuitive Eating which is essentially another form of somatic practice aimed to practice body attunement.

I think it’s not a coincidence that within the world of Intuitive Eating it’s a widely reported phenomenon that people who have been practicing intuitive eating start to become much more intuitive in every aspect of their lives and some of them experience big life changes as a result. It’s therefore not a coincidence that the clear message that I got to move forward with the rebrand came with another strong message to stop doubting myself and fully follow my impulses.

The specific impulse that I got said: I want to help people heal their relationship with their bodies through mindful movement. I have figured out a lot for myself in this area and I want to share it with others. There are many practitioners that offer body-positive counseling and coaching but the idea of creating positive embodiment through body awareness and mindful movement is something that is not widely available and I feel like it needs to be. The idea of accessing the body’s resources to heal our relationship with it feels like the missing piece in the puzzle.

I have more to tell you about all of this but I will save some for later so stay tuned. In the meantime, you’re welcome to write back with your thoughts and reactions.

Odelia Shargian