The secret ingredient to a life you love

The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your relationships.

And equally as true: The quality of your relationships is directly related to the quality of your relationship with yourself. 

So this means, the secret ingredient to a life you love, is your relationship with yourself. 

What does that mean? How can you improve that relationship? 

How can you get into a deeper, more loving relationship with YOU?

Somatic Therapy is a great way to create a beautiful relationship with yourself.

This relationship starts with being honest about your insecurities, trauma, phobias, and challenges. Because those things affect everyone we connect with. 

Before you’ve healed your past, you might see other’s actions, hear conversations, and interpret your relationships through your least evolved traits. And this is universal for all of us.

If you’re fearful, you’ll see threats everywhere. If you’re full of rage, you’ll strike out before asking questions. 

If you’re wounded, you’ll feel wounds that have nothing to do with the actual circumstances in front of you. 

Dealing with trauma, connecting with your feelings, and acknowledging your triggers is the first step to having healthier relationships with others, from your closest friends and family to work colleagues and even strangers viewing us through social media or public eye.

In Somatic Therapy we’ll discover what triggers you in relationships so we can heal the hurts from your past, so you can navigate your relationships more wisely. 

And who wouldn’t want that?

It’s possible to improve the quality of any relationship in your life.

To find out more how Somatic Therapy can improve the quality of your relationships and the quality of your life, email me at and we’ll schedule a 20-minute free consultation!

Odelia Shargian