Try the Process

In my recent emails, we’ve discussed the importance of listening to your body’s story--the things it’s stored for years, the wisdom it has to share. This is a necessary part of healing your relationship with your body and finding optimal health, both physically and emotionally.

In this email, I want to give you an opportunity to connect with your body’s story with a short exercise. For this, you’ll need about 5 minutes of quiet, distraction-free time, some writing materials, and a timer. If you have a journal that will work just fine. 

I’m going to ask you a question and I invite you to write down everything that comes to your mind in response to that question. The idea is to write in a stream-of-consciousness way, which means that the writing flows on the paper in free association, without censorship, and without pause. Anything goes. It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s as if your thoughts could be heard out loud and your writing is a recording device that captures everything that goes on in your mind. it doesn’t need to be tidy, and you don’t even need punctuation marks. Whenever you’re ready to start the exercise, set your timer for 5 minutes, start the timer, read the question and start writing until the timer goes off. 

Before you start: it is possible that the question will draw a blank. This is very normal and it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you. If that’s the case just take note of it without judging it. Remember, you’re capturing everything that’s going on in your mind so you can write down “I’m drawing a blank” and keep going, even if you write that a hundred times. At some point, something else might come up (or not). Keep going whether you think it’s connected to the topic or not. Just know that everything is connected even if you don’t understand it. I’m asking you to trust your mind and not get in the way :)

Ready? Set your timer. Grab your pen.

Here’s the question: When is the first time you remember having an awareness of your body?

Now start writing...

Done writing? Great! How did it feel to do the writing exercise? Did you learn anything that you didn’t know? Have you ever even thought about this question?

In a question like the one I presented above, we can see how invaluable letting the body tell the story can be because the first time we had an awareness of our body might have been before we even started speaking. Since our body holds all our memories, including the pre-verbal ones, it might be able to provide us with some answers that our brain can’t. 

In my upcoming Body Story Intro workshop, we will use this kind of writing to explore these kinds of questions but we won’t stop at that! Even though the writing in itself has tremendous healing powers we will use what we discover in our writing as material for further exploration through movement. We’re going to apply the same technique that we used for writing with words to write the story with the body itself. You will write the story titled “Me and My Body” using a technique called Authentic Movement which invites us to listen to our movement impulses without censoring them, just as we do with words. 

There’s more to this of course so if you want to find out, join me Sunday, March 27 from 4 to 5:30 pm Eastern time to reclaim the part of you that has been your faithful home from the moment you got here: your precious body.

Click HERE to register for the Body Story Workshop.



Odelia Shargian