Want to feel more grounded, grateful, fluid, easy, confident?

If you wake up feeling anxious, scattered, insecure, or depressed …pick an adjective or verb that expresses what you’d actually like to feel instead.

Want to feel more grounded, grateful, fluid, easy, confident?

Pick your word! Now, at various points throughout the day, remind yourself of the word you chose.

Want to feel more grounded? Notice your feet on the floor, or the falling of your footsteps all day long.

Want to feel more fluid? As you’re cooking, typing, walking, cleaning, notice your joints moving, your spine moving, think or say the word “fluid” to yourself, look at a few pictures of moving water and imagine the fluids of your body moving.

Want to feel more confident? Say the word to yourself, and change your posture to be more upright, head held high on your spine, eyes wide open, arms relaxed. You’ll feel confident immediately.

Try it and let me know how it goes!

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Odelia Shargian