What doesn’t kill you causes trauma

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is a load of BS.

What doesn’t kill you causes trauma. Trauma unchecked and unhealed will make us tough, immobile, armored, and shut down, very different things from “stronger.”

So how CAN trauma make us stronger?

Through the immense journey of healing. Healing trauma is what makes us stronger, because healing demands we listen to ourselves, and learn about ourselves. Healing requires that we create and maintain boundaries, release unwanted toxicity, and learn our limits. Healing asks us to slow down, become aware, and act authentically. These qualities are the foundations of true strength.

Surviving trauma, which should absolutely be celebrated, is the first step in healing. But many of us don’t go beyond that step. What is required to create deep strength from trauma is being willing to journey back into ourselves and reckon with the damage it created, damage that absolutely can heal, with your attention.

In fact, without trauma, understanding ourselves deeply, knowing our limits, sharing our truth, setting our boundaries, is not possible. It is through the act of healing ourselves that we truly know ourselves, which is what makes trauma a gift, if we receive it with understanding, compassion, generosity, and kindness.

Somatic (body-based) therapy is a gentle and effective way to reconnect with our body, create new meaning, and heal from our trauma.

To learn more about how somatic therapy can aid your healing journey, click HERE to book a free 20-min consultation.

Odelia Shargian