Who is the real expert?

I like to think of the relationship between therapist and client as a partnership between equals rather than an expert/non-expert relationship where the client doesn’t look for the therapist to solve their problems but rather use their open, caring and unworried attention to work through the issues and wounds that keep them from accessing their full humaneness.

After all, there’s no better expert on our own life than us, is there? No one has gone through the exact experiences and circumstances which brought us to the present moment and made us who we are.

Somewhere deep inside we all know exactly what we need to do in order to heal and what’s mostly needed for the healing process to begin is a warm and trusted presence to hold space for us to tell our story, whether through words, gestures, movements, sounds or emotional release.

Over-analyzing the client can shut them down or disempower them by reinforcing the idea that they can and should be fixed.

Emoting is a powerful healing mechanism that can clear deep wounds. It should be allowed to run its course without interruption.

What are the elements that have made your own therapeutic experience a positive one for you?

Reply and let me know.

Odelia Shargian