Why you can't remember

You have memories that stick out: the graduation party, the bad break up, the new kitten that ruined the couch… 

But you also have memories that fade into the background. They stay in your body, hidden beyond conscious thought.

They tend to be a little bit more subtle: the way your fourth grade teacher dismissed your writing, the fear you felt when your parent was in a rage, the self-consciousness that appeared during puberty.

While you don’t “remember” these moments the same way you remember your graduation party, they stay with you. Stored in your body.

Because the deeper, less conscious memories are not as readily available, they require different methods to heal. One essential way to get to them is through the body.

This allows you access to parts of our memory you can’t access verbally, it’s the part of you that is hidden.

It lives under the tip of the iceberg. 

If you’ve ever felt threatened in your day-to-day life - even when you know that no threat exists - that’s happening because those old, hidden memories are being triggered without your awareness.

Somatic therapy can help you access and integrate those memories.

If you’d like to talk about Somatic Therapy, please feel free to email me at odelia@embodiedacceptance.com

Odelia Shargian