But isn’t it selfish for me to think about sex right now when the world is on fire?

The guilt and shame around sex can take many forms.

It’s insidious.

If you carry this kind of shame, you’re not alone.

Almost no one living and breathing in our society is free from it. We’ve been thoroughly conditioned to find every reason to not engage in sexual activity.

Shame around sex can even manifest as feeling undeserving of pleasure when we know that people around us are suffering.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s very humane to have compassion for the suffering of others. Sometimes the suffering is too close to home to put aside.

But what if pleasure could help you be stronger for those who need you?

What if pleasure could be your form of healing, a true medicine for your deep wounds?

What if pleasure could heal not just you, but the collective?

When you embrace pleasure, and particularly sexual pleasure, you feel more empowered, you cultivate self-love, your confidence, resilience and creativity grows.

When you engage in sexual pleasure a wonderful cocktail of feel good chemicals is produced by your own body, and it can counteract the effects of the stress hormones released in times of tension and strife.

And when you feel more wholesome, connected and strong, just think what it does to the collective.

As you cultivate a genuine relationship with pleasure, a ripple effect begins.

And it extends far beyond your personal boundaries.

When you shed shame around pleasure, you help all of us dissolve societal stigmas around intimacy.

And that creates even more room for others in our society to experience unabashed pleasure and the torch of pleasure is passed.

This is how we take pleasure and turn it into a truly transformative force.

Odelia Shargian