The 5-Day Body Shame Detox

You might have a few other emails floating around this inbox, urging you to detox, lose weight, make a new plan for changing yourself. They are banking on the pressure of a new year to tap into the pain of last year’s ongoing shame about how we look. I hate those emails, and I delete them right away. But they still trigger me.

They trigger me because they remind me of how much we are made to feel broken, to need fixing, to hate ourselves as a motivator to “look better” according to an unscientific, patriarchal, and very limited view of our outsides, with no consideration or interest in our insides.

I delete those emails, but it exhausts me to get them because I still have work to do to deprogram myself from these pressures and standards.

So I decided to create a New Year’s detox and invite some of my favorite experts in the field of body acceptance, intuitive eating, and HAES® to help us to detox from body shame.

Each day for five days, I will do a 15 minute Instagram LIVE experience where I have a brief discussion about one of the five facets of Body Acceptance, followed by a movement experience to practice a new way of being in our bodies.

You can participate live or I will send the video to you by email to do at a time that works best for you.

I will be leading both you and our daily expert through a short movement process, and talking briefly about the experience afterwards. I’ll leave you with a take home question for your journal, discussion, or meditation.

These topics add onto one another, creating a 3D system for finding our wholeness, our worth, and centering a commitment to showing up to our lives without the weight of shame hanging on us.

This process has five facets of exploration. We work on:

Sensing and Feeling as a way to know and appreciate ourselves.

Surrendering and Yielding in order to receive external support as well as discover and connect to our internal supports.

Unconditional Worth, in which we connect to our true essence on a body level, and foster positive embodiment.

Power and Presence, where we can define and determine our own choices and practice taking up space.

Pleasure, Joy, and Play, where we will tap into our inner well of creativity in order to connect to our delight.

The 5-Day Body Shame Detox will take 15 minutes a day, either with me live online, or later by recording.

I’ll email you each morning with what you need to participate.

We start Wednesday, January 19th!

I hope you join me and our fabulous team of experts to work together to find our wholeness.

Click HERE to register for the free 5-Day Body Shame Detox.

Odelia Shargian