Everyone just wants to belong

Isn’t it interesting how we think your relationship with our body is about the circumference of our thighs or how jiggly our belly is. 

If I could tell you just one thing, it would be that all those feelings actually don’t have anything to do with your body.

It’s actually about what we’re really feeling (or trying to avoid feeling).

The root of body intolerance is often about feeling like we don’t belong, like there’s something “wrong” with us. 

The “otherness” we feel gets translated as otherness in our body and how our body fits into society. 

It’s really easy to blame your body when you feel like you don’t “belong”.

You and I both know that society has a long way to go when it comes to accepting women’s bodies. 

And that can make loving ourselves an uphill battle.

All that  social media and magazines pounding ideas of what women are “supposed” to look like, all day long? 

It’s not hard to figure out why we take our feelings out on our bodies. 

After all, you can change your body, right? So, if your body is what’s “wrong” with you (you know I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with you), then it’s “fixable.”

It’s all about the illusion of control. 

So the next time you feel lonely, or scared or “unwanted”, try not to take that feeling out on your rear end or your belly.

Instead, feel the feelings. They won’t hurt you. You can be with them. 

Stay with the feelings. Breathe. Move. Sing, Draw, Speak, Write, Be still. 

The amazing part? The feelings will pass, and you’ll find that your beautiful body didn’t have to take any verbal beatings in the meantime.

Save this article as a reminder when you feel there’s something wrong with you or share it with someone who needs to hear this right now. 

Odelia Shargian