My secret sauce

Feeling stuck? Got a tough problem? Your body knows the answer.

If you do have the same problem over and over again, I’m so happy you’re here. 

Why? Because I'm an expert at finding the core of your destructive patterns.

When a client comes to me with a stubborn behavioral pattern or with an issue they are trying to solve, it usually starts with a story.  

Often a complicated one.  

It’s SO easy to drown in the details of our stories, but that’s not going to help you heal. 

In fact, hiding in the details and keeping the story running in your head on autopilot is actually distracting you from healing. 

What actually breaks a destructive cycle is taking a second to get out of your head and feel the emotions that are at the core of the story. 

The minute you’re able to do that, things start to change. It’s not magic, but it can feel magical. Healing is real. It’s possible. 

Over the years I’ve developed an expertise. And it’s my ability to find that core issue.  

Sometimes a client and I can figure this out quickly, so it’s my job to move at their speed and shed a new light on their current struggle.  

Often it’s one little detail they mentioned that’s really got a hold on their emotions. It can be so easy to miss, but that’s my sweet spot. 

And then it gets fun, because we slow down just a little bit and check in with one of the most important players in healing: the body. 

I hone in on that one little detail with my client, and we check in to find out what her body has to say about that little detail.  

It’s an amazing process, and it involves intuition and trust.  

I’ve learned how to zero in and know which details need our attention, and which ones we can leave alone.  

Then it’s my turn to trust my client's inner wisdom and so they can share what needs to be healed.  

It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.  

All of a sudden  “solutions” to a seemingly complicated dilemma start to become obvious.  

And it happens when we listen to my client’s body. It’s remarkable.  

If you’re tired of repeating the same pattern, you might be ready to break through and let it go. I’d love to help you.

Send me a DM and we can see if this is the best next step for you.

Odelia Shargian