How I’m finding calm in the chaos

I’m trying to “keep it together” these days.

I have a lot to say but I’ll stick to what I do best.

Like many others affected by current events, part of me is in survival mode which is probably why you haven’t heard from me as much..

I’m keeping my head above water by using my Somatic tools.

I feel lucky that I’m not in the eye of the storm, and I feel for those who are.

Today my hope is to offer insights and tips.

Here’s what I want to share: Anxiety is a normal response to trauma.

Your nervous system is designed to help you survive.

In critical situations, it reacts to signs of danger and activates your body's survival systems: fighting, fleeing or freezing.

When you can’t actually fight or flee all that intense energy is stored in your body as anxiety.

Anxiety causes a racing, pounding heart, shallow, rapid breathing and racing thoughts, etc.

Anxiety can linger even after the threat is gone, when the nervous system responds to anything that feels threatening, or reminds it of the original event. Your body will respond as if it’s still happening.

You can reduce the symptoms of anxiety by letting your nervous system know it’s safe right now.

You have everything you need to do this, right now.

You have your senses, which are a doorway to experiencing safety.

Bring your awareness to what you’re sensing, taking in details of your environment.

Absorbing details about your environment signals to your system that there's no threat at this moment, that you’re safe (safety is always relative). Anxiety will lessen because your nervous system can’t take in information and respond to danger at the same time.

You can do this any time you feel anxious.

Take 3 minutes right now to hear what you hear. Don’t try too hard. Just let the sounds be received in your awareness.

See how many different sounds come to you when you orient towards sound.

Notice how you feel now compared to 3 minutes ago.

Somatic Therapy can help you regulate your nervous system activation.

Odelia Shargian