How you can create less violence in the world

I remember once when I was having a rough patch, a colleague said to me “If it makes you feel any better, I just found out I’m getting audited…”

I couldn't imagine why their pain and anxiety should make me feel better. But, when I look around, I do see that humans often measure their own pain, struggle, trauma, and success against the tide of others’.

In an attempt to avoid the pain of our own trauma, many humans seem to inflict it on others, as if the suffering of others will mean less suffering for them.

Of course, I think we see that more pain in the world creates only more collective pain and trauma, and that inflicting trauma creates more people who will inflict trauma (the way we know the bully is almost certainly being bullied somewhere). More love creates more love. More pain creates more pain.

But, in order to bring more love to ourselves and the world, and to repattern this habit of competitive happiness, we often need support and to be able to zoom out on our patterns, and zoom into our bodies. 

The therapeutic process can be a good place to come back to with the fears as they come up in the body as a result of contradicting our patterns. If you have thoughts about this topic or if you are interested in finding out more about how you can do your part in helping create less violence in the world by doing your own work please feel free to write back at

Odelia Shargian