You don’t need to be fixed. You’re not a car. Even when you break down, you’re not broken.

People often come to therapy with an idea that there's something broken in them that needs to be fixed. That model depends on the idea that there is a “perfect” us and a “broken” us, and we are supposed to return to the perfect. I disagree with this. 

Rather, there are ways we shift and move in response to life’s effect on us. The wonderful and the painful both change us. Sometimes, as we protect ourselves from pain, we pattern ourselves in ways that make other aspects of our lives less efficient, and it can be useful to re-pattern towards safety and health. It is not fixing a broken thing, but smoothing out the wrinkles in a fabric that has gotten a bit misshapen. 

Our bodies, minds, and hearts want wholeness and balance. Everything in nature seeks balance. Therapy is a way to redirect ourselves out of imbalance, protection, and defensiveness and into ease, comfort, balance and joy.

If you would like to talk to me about Somatic Therapy, please book a free 20 minute consultation with me by clicking HERE.

Odelia Shargian