You are not your patterns!

If you think to yourself “I’m such an X” or “I always do Y” you’re not alone. 

And wow. It’s so unhelpful to say these things, isn’t it? It never makes us change our behavior. It’s curious that we yell at ourselves like it will.  

We all have patterns that get in the way of living the life we want to live.  

These patterns can be baffling because we KNOW we’re so much better than this, but we start doing this weird thing. 

We start to believe there’s no way out, that we ARE these mistakes, that somehow they define us. 

I’m going to tell you right now … that’s a lie. 

You are not your patterns!  

It takes work in and out of therapy to realize that. Understanding the emotions that set these patterns in motion is the key.  

The more you allow yourself to feel these emotions and move them through the body, the more you’ll see, you are not your mistakes.

 All of us have these patterns, and I know it can feel frustrating. 

So here’s a little tip the next time one of your patterns comes knocking around your head again … 

Say to yourself: “Oh, look who came to visit again. My pattern decided to show up today. It’s a good thing I don’t feel like playing.”

Odelia Shargian