When body positivity is not enough…
Why is there such a huge mismatch between how I feel in my body and how I feel about my body?
I’ve been working hard over the last few years to heal my relationship with my body, mostly through somatic tools.
I’ve developed an inner relationship with my body by paying attention to what I’m sensing and feeling.. I’ve approached this through curiosity and by becoming versed in my body’s language so I know what it needs. It’s created a beautiful, trust-filled relationship.
My body is now my home. My safe haven.
Recently I adopted a more radical approach of connecting to my desire to increase my intimacy with my body as I appreciate what it can do to bring me pleasure.
But even after all of this growth, I can still feel shame about my body when I see it in a picture. Why does that happen?
The book “What we don’t talk about when we talk about fat” by Aubry Gordon explains it all.
How I feel about my body is not a personal failure of mine.
Honestly, there’s no friggin; way anyone can feel good about their bodies whether they are thin or not. And that’s not our fault. Society offers quite violent and extremely effective scare tactics around weight.
It’s trendy to be Body-Positive, but it’s just paying lip service to the real problem.
We hate fat people and we think that being fat is worse than anything that can ever happen to us.
According to the book, when asked many people would rather take a year off their lives or even get really sick than be fat.
Our fat phobia is reaching new records.
Fat bias is the only bias that is trending up.
In other words, most people know that it’s not ok to be racist or homophobic etc. but they feel fully justified in discriminating against fat people.
The book is scientifically based and it contradicts common knowledge about weight. It’s likely that what you think you know to be right about weight is completely wrong.
No true liberation is possible until every oppressed group is liberated.
If you pride yourself in being an open minded, enlightened person, read this book!
It’s guaranteed to push you to reach beyond the boundaries of your current thinking and completely shake up your assumptions.